Yakekerê Daisy Santos

Yakekerê Daisy Santos graduated in Museology, with specialization in Art and Cultural Heritage and Master in Ethnic and African Studies at the Federal University of Bahia. Currently, Santos is in NYC studying for a PhD in Anthropology and doing a scholarship at Parsons School of Design at New School University. Initiated in candomblé 10 years ago, Yakekerê from Casa do Mensageiro her work explores Candomblé ceremonial clothing and its influence on contemporary fashion in the diaspora and the world. When Santos was in Salvador, Bahia, Santos was the technical manager of the Pai Procópio de Ogunjá Afro-Brazilian Museum.


Yakekerê Daisy’s Programming

Here is Daisy’s workshop where she taught about the history of Candomblé, the origins of Candomblé Clothing, and its influence on black fashion in Salvador and around the globe!